We’ll be speaking, tabling, and performing in several places this month: presenting in the Netherlands on resistance to rising authoritarianism, distributing literature at book fairs in the US and Serbia, and touring Greece to promote the Greek translation of From Democracy to Freedom, among other things. We will continue updating this list as more events are confirmed.
September 13: Amsterdam, Netherlands
At 8 pm, at the Fort van Sjakoo, Jodenbreestraat 24, Amsterdam, we will present an updated version of our talk, “Resistance in the Trump Era.”
How did Trump come to power, and what does his rise tell us about this era? What strategies are anarchists in the US using to counter the rise of grassroots nationalism?
Framing the Trump presidency in a global context, we will discuss the new conditions for social struggle and explore the approaches to self-organization and self-defense that anarchists have employed in the United States since the end of 2016.
September 15: Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair in the US, Bloodshed Fest in the Netherlands
We will be tabling at the Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair, as we have every year since 2001. If all goes well, we’ll debut at least one zine design that is not yet online.
At the same time, the hardcore band Catharsis, long associated with CrimethInc. activities, will be playing Bloodshed Fest in the Netherlands. We will also be tabling with a variety of literature at the fest. You can keep up with the extremely sporadic activity of Catharsis here.
September 16: Utrecht, Netherlands
At 3 pm, at the ACU, Voorstraat 71, Utrecht, we will be presenting “Resistance in the Age of Trump” under the auspicious title, “CrimethInc. at the Barricade,” in honor of the location of the talk.

September 20: Athens, Greece
We’ll be presenting the Greek translation of From Democracy to Freedom at the Polytechnic at 8 pm, with contributors to the book from Greece, Slovenia, and the US.
September 22: Heraklion, Greece
“From Democracy to Freedom” presentation at 8 pm.
September 24: Ioannina, Greece
“From Democracy to Freedom” presentation at the book store Βιβλία Ανομίας.
September 25: Thessaloniki, Greece
“From Democracy to Freedom” presentation at 8 pm at the squat at the Biology Department at the University.
September 27: Thessaloniki, Greece
“Anarchist Resistance in the Age of Trump” at Yfanet at 7 pm.

September 28-30: Novi Sad, Serbia
We will be tabling and speaking at the Balkan Anarchist Book Fair.
October 1: Prague, Czech Republic
From Democracy to Freedom: 7 pm at ASC Klinika.
Demokracie je nejuniverzálnější politickou myšlenkou dnešní doby. George Bush se s ní oháněl, když ospravedlňoval invazi do Iráku, Obama gratuloval rebelům z Tahir Square za to, že přinesli demokracii do Egypta, a hnutí Occupy Wall Street zase tvrdilo, že přináší její nejčistší formu. Od Lidovědemokratické korejské republiky po autonomní region Rojava v severní Sýrii se prakticky každá vláda a populární hnutí nazývají demokratickými.
A přece to byla demokracie, kdo přivedl Donalda Trumpa k moci, a to ani nezmiňujeme Adolfa Hitlera…
Co je vlastně demokracie? Co dělat, když nechceme demokraticky volit menší zlo? Jaký je rozdíl mezi vládou a autonomní samosprávou? Přijďte diskutovat nejen nad těmito otázkami s členem kolektivu CrimethInc, který se podílel na vydání knihy „From Democracy to Freedom“.

Next month we’ll table at the Olympia zine fest and some other events.