Starting in 1996, CrimethInc. released some of the most passionate and provocative music in the hardcore punk underground—bands like Catharsis, Zegota, and Trial. For the sake of posterity, in a grudging concession to the platforms of Web 2.0, we’ve uploaded the majority of these albums to a bandcamp page, where you can download them for free (though we won’t refuse donations). Please help us keep this chapter of our cultural heritage in living memory.
Download CrimethInc. musical releases.
The do-it-yourself punk scene from which these bands emerged brought together the desperation and rage of the disenfranchised in a generative primordial froth. In the beginning, the riots erupting from these concerts pitted the participants against each other, as at the notorious Catharsis shows with Gehenna in Reno in 1997 and with Point of No Return in Belo Horizonte in 2000, both of which ended in mass violence. Later, this force was turned against the ruling order, as in the uncontrollable march following the Anti-Flag show after the 2005 presidential inauguration.

Page 258 of Days of War, Nights of Love emphatically denies that CrimethInc. has ever functioned as a record label. In later years, it became possible for newer anarchists to take this literally.
For more perspective on the relationship between hardcore punk and anarchism, read “Music as a Weapon,” which originally appeared in issue 7 of our journal Rolling Thunder.
Some of you will notice that this collection is not complete. Albums by Gehenna, Timebomb, Filastine, and Test Their Logik are already available through their respective Bandcamps. We are still seeking several other CrimethInc. releases in internet-ready formats, including all of the Inside Front compilations. If you have the ability to supply us with lossless files (FLAC/WAV) of any of these albums, as well as large (>1400px) JPGs of the album covers, please send them to us.